Atlantic Credit & Finance has partnered with Midland Credit Management to service its accounts. If there are any questions about your Atlantic Credit & Finance account, Midland Credit Management can help.
Payment Questions
How do I make a payment to Atlantic Credit & Finance?
Midland Credit Management, Inc. (“MCM”) services accounts for Atlantic Credit & Finance and offers a variety of different payment options.
Can I talk to someone before I make a payment?
Absolutely. Midland Credit Management has representatives available Monday through Friday, 8am – Midnight ET, and Saturday & Sunday 8am – 7:30pm ET. Call MCM at (800) 296-2657 and we will answer all of your questions and discuss payment options.
Assistance & Verification Questions
I’m not sure this debt belongs to me. What should I do?
To request verification, please follow the instructions that MCM included in its initial communication to you. You may also call Midland Credit Management at (800) 296-2657 if you have questions. If you have received a letter from Midland Credit Management that you believe is in error, please call MCM.
Can I get more information about this debt online?
You can log in to your account online to view your current balance and review payment options. Please call MCM at (800) 296-2657 with any other questions.
My credit report says my account was “Charged-Off”. Do I still need to pay the debt?
Yes, a “charged-off” account is an accounting designation from the original creditor. You are still responsible for the account balance.